Re-Air: Nonprofits Today: Are They At Risk? (2501)
Joining host Dennis McCuistion are: Brent E. Christopher: President Children's' Medical Foundation, David J. Scullin: President and CEO, Communities Foundation of Texas, and Tammy Richards: CEO, Volunteer Now L to R: Brent E. Christopher, [...]
Re-Air: Relationships and Diversity in the Boardroom (2406)
Relationships and diversity of opinions and experience, skill and style is critical in a boardroom. Diversity today is more than diversity in gender and ethnicity.
Re-Air: Is the News Media the Enemy of the People?
President Trump has called the media the enemy of the people, routinely castigates them, and has referred to the media as the "opposition party" to his administration. The media has always been the whipping boy [...]
Re-Air: Saving Lives Through Organ Transplants (2322)
A single donor can save as many as 8 lives through organ donation and help as many as 75 people through cornea and tissue donation.
Re-Air: Is Free Speech on Campus an Oxymoron?
One of the purposes of a university is to expose people to different ideas argued with evidence and logic and augment the experience of students- with civility.
The Obesity Epidemic: Part Two (2510)
While we understand that eating healthy is critical, our daily choices are often not conducive to long term health benefits and our energy level. Today, almost 40% of adult Americans are obese as are 20% of children and adolescents ages 2-19. Join us to talk about how we can improve our health and well-being through what and how we eat.
The Obesity Epidemic: Part One (2509)
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 39.8% of American adults are obese, as are 18.5% of children and adolescents aged 2-19 years.
Political Dialogue From the Left, Right, In the Middle – Episode 2513
In this refreshing conversation, join a couple of hosts who have found an answer to the lack of civility in political dialogue and controversial topics.
The New Religion: Destructive Escalation
Violation is unfortunately the end stage of what used to be somewhat more civil types of disagreement states Robert E. Hall in this episode on Destructive Escalation in America right now.
The Personal Side of Suicide
With the increase of suicides many people are personally affected. This episodes examines the personal side of suicide.
Causes and Prevention of Suicide
We examine the causes of suicide, and more importantly, we also focus on how to prevent this tragedy from occurring.
Trade Wars: NAFTA and Beyond
One of the purposes of a university is to expose people to different ideas argued with evidence and logic and augment the experience of students- with civility.
What Is Active Civics and Why Does It Matter?
Today, nearly 2/3 of Americans cannot name all three branches of government. Yet knowing about the foundation of our Constitution and being educated about issues allows one to vote with knowledge.
Silk Road: Drugs, the Internet, and Ross Ulbricht (Re-Air)
Two years ago, Ross Ulbricht, "Dread Pirate Roberts, the creator of Silk Road, was sentenced to life in prison without parole for creating and running the Silk Road, a massive dark web bazaar where users [...]
The Millennial Revolution: Part Two
Millennials are now the largest and the most influential generation in America. So how does one work, relate, and befriend millennials? What are their values and goals?