If you’re tired of seeing screaming mobs marching in protest of one thing or another, and tired of watching television pundits yelling at each other and speaking so offensively that you change the channel… then join us when we visit with a couple of radio hosts who think they have found an answer to the lack of civility in dialogues over political and other controversial topics.

L to R: Dennis McCuistion, Niki McCuistion, and Jim Patrick
Joining host Dennis McCUISTION is Jim Patrick, CEO of Millennium Productions Inc. and Co-host of Men in the Middle Radio. Jim has been a political scientist and veteran broadcaster now going on 50 years. His specialty is the analysis of domestic and global political and socio- economic trends.
Mr. Patrick says, “The work of providing the public with an understanding of all sides of an issue is the obligation of a responsible journalist, sans personal preferences or agenda. A commentator must equally be objective, accurate and make it clearly understood that their comments are personal opinions. The medias’ dilemma is how to show objective reporting and subjective commentating without contaminating the two.”
He is joined via Skype from Iowa, Steve Putney, who has been in broadcasting and marketing for 39 years and directs news coverage for seven stations. Men in the Middle is produced by Invisible Digits Media, his production company, in cooperation with Jim’s production media company Millennium. Mr. Putney adds, “The other point to Men in the Middle is to look for the story behind the story. Or another way to say it, the story behind the headlines without the partisan slant.”
Men in the Middle is a Broadcast/Podcast Radio show on current events and politics from the middle of American opinion. It cuts through the spin of mainstream media and can be listened to on iTunes, Google Play, Sticher, SoundCloud, WECS 90.1 FM and KBUR 1490 AM/99.3 FM.
We’d like to suggest each of us personally really examine how we discuss controversial topics and see if we can start by finding out how someone with a different opinion really got to their position. Then, and only then, can we understand where they are coming from.
Tune in to watch intelligent people discuss important topics without being disrespectful.
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Niki McCuistion, CSP
Co-founder/ Executive Producer
Certified Speaker, Coach, Consultant in
Transforming Organizational Culture…
Aligning Purpose, Performance and People
(214) 394-6794
www.nikimccuistion.com | www.womenwealthandgiving.com
| www.therootsofwar.com | www.perspectivesmatter.com
11.11.18 – 2513
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