Gina Carr, co-founder of The Healthy Happy Hour
While we understand that eating healthy is critical, our daily choices are often not conducive to long term health benefits and our energy level. Today, almost 40% of adult Americans are obese as are 20% of children and adolescents ages 2-19.
Joining us to talk about how we can improve our health and well-being through what and how we eat are:
- Mary Warren, DC, Road Warrior Wellness, who advocates a balanced diet and well-being concept;
- Kevin Gilliland, PsyD, Executive Director, Innovation 360, a clinical psychologist and addiction and substance abuse therapist and
- Gina Carr, co-founder of The Healthy Happy Hour, who lost over 50 pounds from plant-based living.
Dr. Gilliland, talks about our metabolism and how it slows down as we age and the steps we need to take to remain healthier and fit.
L to R: Niki McCuistion, Kevin Gililand, PsyD, Mary Warren, DC, and Dennis McCuistion
Dr. Warren counsels, “Sadly, the effects of our daily choices don’t materialize for years, maybe even decades. Once the visible signs of poor food and beverage choices are apparent, it may be too late to reverse all the degeneration and damage. Making physical changes to improve your health in your 60’s and 70’s can be slow and expensive”.
She asks, “Why don’t we eat better? Is it the cost? Lack of availability? The need for convenience?
Time, of course, is a big factor in meal planning and food choices. All those factors are valid. But could the biggest factor be that we, as a society, just don’t know what’s good and what’s bad? There is so much misinformation out there. Add to that, the way products are marketed, and it’s no wonder there is confusion”.
Join our experts to clear up the confusion and make a New Year resolution that sticks to improve your health and diet.
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Be sure to watch more McCuistion TV programs on our website, www.McCuistionTV.com.
We appreciate you,
Niki McCuistion, CSP
Co-founder/ Executive Producer
Certified Speaker, Coach, Consultant,
Strategist in organizational culture
(214) 394-6794
www.nikimccuistion.com | www.womenwealthandgiving.com
www.therootsofwar.com | www.perspectivesmatter.com
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