Test Programs page 2 (List)

Test Programs page 2 (List)2021-12-27T16:28:56-05:00
Oct7, 2013

JFK: The Warren Commission Report

By |October 7, 2013|Categories: Featured Program, Niki Site, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

In 1964 seven members of the President's special committee were appointed to head up the Warren Commission. This blue ribboned panel of politicians and justices were to investigate the JFK assassination, come to a conclusion, and lay the rumors surrounding the assassination to rest.

Oct7, 2013

JFK: The Aftermath of the Assassination

By |October 7, 2013|Categories: Featured Program, Niki Site, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Within 48 hours of the JFK assassination we witnessed the arrest of the assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, and later his shooting by Jack Ruby. The trauma of that time will be forever embedded in the memories of those who were present and those who watched and heard the news.

Jul21, 2013

The Current Challenges and Concerns in Mental Health

By |July 21, 2013|Categories: Featured Program, Niki Site, Recent Programs|Tags: , , |0 Comments

More than 5 million Americans suffer from some form of mental illness and one in seventeen has a severe and persistent disorder. The need for care is growing, yet there are increased challenges in diagnosing and treating those with mental health problems.

Jun30, 2013

How Crony Capitalism Corrupted Free Markets and Democracy

By |June 30, 2013|Categories: Featured Program, Recent Programs|Tags: , , |0 Comments

David Stockman, author of The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America and former director of the office of Management and Budget under Ronald Reagan joins McCuistion to discuss the demise of free market capitalism, and how crony capitalism is destroying our free market economy.

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