Past Programs

Past Programs2023-02-02T01:30:54-05:00
Oct14, 2018

Trade Wars: NAFTA and Beyond

October 14, 2018|

One of the purposes of a university is to expose people to different ideas argued with evidence and logic and augment the experience of students- with civility.

Jul9, 2018

Nonprofits Today: Are They At Risk?

July 9, 2018|

Joining host Dennis McCuistion are: Brent E. Christopher: President Children's' Medical Foundation, David J. Scullin: President and CEO, Communities Foundation of Texas, and Tammy Richards: CEO, Volunteer Now L [...]

Jul2, 2018

Gun Violence: Are There Solutions?

July 2, 2018|

Are our second amendment rights endangered if firearms are restricted? Or is gun reform the "smart" answer to a growing problem with gun violence? The recent tragic incidents of mass [...]

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