Test Programs page 2 (List)

Test Programs page 2 (List)2021-12-27T16:28:56-05:00
Nov22, 2020

Do We Need a Constitutional Amendment to Get Money Out of Politics? (2611)

By |November 22, 2020|Categories: Featured Program, Featured-Home, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Seventy-seven percent of the public says “there should be limits on the amount of money individuals and organizations” can spend on political campaigns with just 20% saying they should be able to spend as much as they want.

Nov15, 2020

Hungry in America (2612)

By |November 15, 2020|Categories: Featured Program, Featured-Home, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Just before COVID closed down the economy we recorded a program on hunger in America, which considering the wealth of our country, is disproportionate. Dallas County ranks among one of the highest food insecure — for children, in the country!

Nov8, 2020

Cyberwarfare: The Fifth Domain (2701)

By |November 8, 2020|Categories: Featured Program, Featured-Home, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

This program focuses on the fifth domain, the Pentagon's term for cyberspace and how to keep the fifth domain a humming engine of economic growth and human progress by not giving in to the dark forces that aim to make it an area of conflict.

Nov1, 2020

Voter Fraud and Mail-in Ballots: What are the Issues? (2626)

By |November 1, 2020|Categories: Featured Program, Featured-Home, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Mail-in voting has been a contentious issue during this 2020 presidential election year. Yet because of the pandemic, to date more Americans than ever before are choosing to vote by mail.

Oct11, 2020

Re-air: Should the Electoral College Be Changed? (2609)

By |October 11, 2020|Categories: Featured Program, Featured-Home, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

The Electoral College is frequently called into question, most especially in an election year. The arguments for changing or eliminating it grow more heated when the winner of the Electoral College is not the winner of the popular vote.

Oct4, 2020

Re-air: History of the Electoral College (2608)

By |October 4, 2020|Categories: Featured Program, Featured-Home, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Our next presidential election takes place in two months. It promises to be a more contentious one than usual.  And, it's possible that the candidate with the most popular votes,  will not be pronounced the winner. The president is not directly decided on by voters but by the Electoral College. A candidate needs to gain a majority of the college's votes to be declared president.

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