News Update: Consumer Spending and Oil Spill Updates
Friday News Update: Health and the Economy

Join us this Sunday, July 4th on KERA, Channel 13 at 12pm as we discuss the state of freedom in America.

Why do countries around the world now seem to outstrip the United States in terms of free market philosophies as well as tax issues, from the flat tax to social security? Can the US catch up?  During this installment of McCuistion Television, Dennis McCuistion is joined by three panelists on location at FreedomFest.  Discussing the state of freedom in America are:

Daniel Mitchell – Senior Fellow at the CATO Institute
Michelle Muccio – Washington D.C. Representative and Production Associate at The Acton Institute
Larry Abraham – The late Larry Abraham was the co-founder of PanAmerica Capital Group, Inc. and long-time author and editor of the Insider Report, an international geopolitical investment newsletter with over 10,000 private subscribers, worldwide.

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News Update: Consumer Spending and Oil Spill Updates
Friday News Update: Health and the Economy