Uncharitable: “Shattering nonprofit prevailing paradigms”
Uncharitable, by Dan Pallotta, challenges the traditional thinking of nonprofit organizations and their leaders.
Redistricting: Do You Know Who your Congressman Is?
In Texas, the contentious issue of Congressional redistricting has postponed primary elections. Based on the population in each state, some states gain or lose Congressional seats.
The Legacy of Margaret Thatcher
Former Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, as told by Mr. Blundell, in his book Portrait of an Iron Lady, had innate qualities that led to her eventually being elected to Parliament in 1959.
Wall Street: Capitol of Greed or Builder of Capital?
This segment of McCuistion TV discusses whether Wall Street is still building capital or if Wall Street greed is the cause of the issues of today.
Airing this Sunday at 12:00 PM on KERA
Wall Street: Capitol of Greed or Builder of Capital? - Airing at 12:00 PM on KERA this Sunday, May 6th.
Will Your Investments Outlive You?
Is it possible to regain lost wealth considering the market and that return of investment (rather than return on investment) may be a more accurate statement?
ENDGAME: The End of the Debt SuperCycle & How It Changes Everything
ENDGAME: The End of the Debt Super Cycle and How it Changes Everything examines the effect and impact of the present financial crisis on the world and the USA economy and examine what may happen when all these countries can no longer borrow.
Airing Sunday on KERA – ENDGAME: The End of the Debt Supercycle and How It Changes Everything
Joining the McCuistion TV program this coming Sunday is John Mauldin, author of the new book: Endgame: The End of the Debt Super Cycle and How it Changes Everything... the subject of this program.
Clean Air and Climate Change
This program on clean air and climate change examines these possible challenges and explores how they can be eliminated, mitigated and better understood.
Are Renewables an Energy Solution?
Continuing on in the energy series, we hear from panelists as they discuss renewable energy solutions and their viability as an alternative solution.
In the news once again: Goldman Sachs…
Goldman Sachs Director, Greg Smith, resigned and published a letter with the NY Times. Bill George was on a committee that examined sound business practices.
Bill George on Character and Leadership
During this episode on Character and Leadership, former Medtronic CEO, Bill George, now Professor of Management Practice at Harvard Business School, joins Dennis McCuistion for a frank discussion on ethics and business practices in corporate America.
Oil, Gas & Energy Security for America
Energy security is critical to our future. For the first time in a long time we should feel better about our long-term energy prospects. Join Laura Miller, Chuck Davidson and others as we discuss.
The Fallout of Problems in American Corporate Governance and Its Impact on China and the World
During this episode on corporate governance and its impact on China and the world, panelists discuss the credit crisis and changes in trade relationships between the United States and China.
“Buy Enron stock today!” A Tale of Two Cities…
"Buy Enron stock today!" These were Jeff Skilling’s ending words to the group of civic and business leaders assembled at Southern Methodist University in Dallas in 2001.