Common Core: What It Is and Why You Need To Know About It
Common Core is the subject of this episode of the McCuistion Program as well as the subject of many conversations happening around the country when discussing education standards.
Wealth of States – Part Two
State wealth is the subject of the second part of the Wealth of States series. Part two provides more insight on the reasons why some US citizens are fleeing their home states, causing these states to lose both much needed revenue and residents.
Wealth of States – Part One
State wealth is the topic of this McCuistion Program. Join host, Dennis McCuistion, and guests Stephen Moore and Dr. Bernard Weinstein, for a lively discussion on state wealth.
Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business – Part Two
Capitalism is the greatest wealth provider ever known. Conscious capitalism has an even higher purpose. In the second part of this two part series, panelists discuss conscious capitalism.
Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business – Part One
In part one of a two part series on conscious capitalism Whole Foods Market co-founder, John Mackey, and professor and Conscious Capitalism, Inc. co-founder, Raj Sisodia, argue for the inherent good of both business and capitalism.
TV and Its Impact on Society and Our Kids
Sonja Ezell and Hank Moore join Dennis McCuistion for Sunday's episode addressing the impact of television on the children of today. Sonja Ezell is a reading specialist at Dallas Independent School District. Hank Moore is [...]
Is Corporate Ethics An Oxymoron
Corporate ethics has been a hot topic among many political, business and financial leaders over the last few years. However, is it possible to be a corporation and ethical? This episode asks exactly that. Bringing [...]
Flash Foresight: Seven Radical Principles That Will Change Your Life – Pt. 2
Our special guest panelist Daniel Burrus joins the McCuistion Program to continue part two of this two part series and talks about how to see invisible opportunities and solutions to seemingly impossible problems.
Flash Foresight: Seven Radical Principles That Will Transform Your Life – Part 1
Dan Burrus, one of the top three futurists in the country, author of Flash Foresight: How To See the Invisible And Do The Impossible, asks, "wouldn't it be amazing if you could predict the future [...]
Technology, Entertainment and Design: TED and TEDxSMU
TED, which stands for, Technology, Entertainment and Design has changed how we view the world. Today over 1,700 talks are available online.
The Legacy of Peter Drucker: The Father of Modern Management
Peter F. Drucker, hailed by Business Week, as "the man who invented management," influenced countless leaders through his writing, teaching and consulting. The author of 39 books, Drucker’s work inspired leaders and managers across all [...]
Another Debt Crisis: Student Loans
The student debt crisis has affected many Americans. Student loans have quadrupled in the last 8 years. Delinquency rates are high and millions of American students are facing massive debt and liability.
Income Inequality
Income inequality is growing and it is one of the most debated public policy, social-political challenges today. Yet, economists are divided as to whether income inequality is negative or positive.
Home Rule: Good or Bad for Dallas ISD?
Dallas ISD has agreed to explore the possibility of allowing home-rule. In this episode we are joined by panelists discussing this controversial issue.
Net Neutrality: What Is It and Why Should I Care?
Net neutrality rules prevent ISPs like Verizon, AT&T and others from blocking or discriminating against certain online services.