• Nutrition Part 1: Research Surrounding Vegan Benefits to Health

Nutrition Part 1: Research Surrounding Vegan Benefits to Health

July 15, 2012|Categories: Featured Program, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |2 Comments

In Part One of the two-part series on science and health with T. Colin Campbell, PhD., Campbell discusses his findings on what science is actually saying about health and nutrition and vegan benefits to health.

  • Taxpayer Funding and Women’s Reproductive Rights

Taxpayer Funding and Women’s Reproductive Rights

June 24, 2012|Categories: Featured Program, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , , |5 Comments

The present system of funding for contraception and abortion, especially for lower income women, is under increased scrutiny and controversy as the supposed funding for abortions at taxpayer expense comes under fire.

  • How to Create Effective Nonprofit Boards: The Necessity of Governance and Leadership

How to Create Effective Nonprofit Boards: The Necessity of Governance and Leadership

June 4, 2012|Categories: Niki Site, Recent Programs|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Dr. Richard Leblanc, award-winning Associate Professor of Law, Corporate Governance and Ethics at York University in Toronto, shared his insights from his unique research in the boardroom and from the hundreds of interviews he has conducted with sitting board members.

  • ENDGAME: The End of the Debt SuperCycle & How It Changes Everything

ENDGAME: The End of the Debt SuperCycle & How It Changes Everything

April 15, 2012|Categories: Featured Program, Recent Programs|Tags: , , |6 Comments

ENDGAME: The End of the Debt Super Cycle and How it Changes Everything examines the effect and impact of the present financial crisis on the world and the USA economy and examine what may happen when all these countries can no longer borrow.