• Graphic showing Jim Hollifield, host Jim Falk, and David Bier (left to right) discussing Immigration on Perspectives Matter - Border Security and Economics: A Worldwide Challenge.

Border Security and Economics: A Worldwide Challenge (3022)

April 21, 2024|Categories: Current News, Featured Program, Featured-Home, Global Affairs, Human Interest, Politics, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

What motivates a migrant to risk his or her life or that of their family to leave their country for an unknown destination.? As opposition grows to undocumented migration, what options do governments have to address this issue?

  • Screenshot of Yoram Solomon, Ph.D., Christian Hart, Ph.D., and host Jim Cathcart discussing the psychology of lying on the set of Perspectives Matter.

Why People Lie: The Science, Psychology & Consequences, PART 2 (3018)

April 14, 2024|Categories: Current News, Featured Program, Featured-Home, Human Interest, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

When can we trust each other? How does lying affect society? Why do people lie when they don’t need to? See what our experts have to say.

  • Screenshot showing Daniel C. Krawczyk, Ph.D., Michael J. Lundie, Ph.D., and host Jim Cathcart discussing the psychology of lying on the Perspectives Matter set.

Why People Lie: The Science, Psychology & Consequences, PART 1 (3017)

April 7, 2024|Categories: Current News, Featured Program, Featured-Home, Human Interest, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

How do you know when someone is NOT telling the truth? As it turns out, lying is something that everybody does. Yes, all of us. Join us to take a look at how lying impacts us all, and what can be done about it.

  • Graphic showing Richard Epstein and host Dennis McCuistion discussing the Supreme Court on Perspectives Matter.

The Supreme Court: Its Power, Influence and Impact (3020)

March 31, 2024|Categories: Current News, Featured Program, Featured-Home, Politics, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Join host Dennis McCuistion and Richard A. Epstein for a discussion on the Supreme Court: its power, influence, and impact on our lives.

  • Graphic showing Andrew Dressler, Ph.D., Joni Carswell, Amanda Schnetzer, and Peter Girard discussing extreme weather on Perspectives Matter.

Is Extreme Weather Here to Stay? (3012)

March 24, 2024|Categories: Featured Program, Featured-Home, Politics, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Extreme weather events are making climate an increasingly urgent topic of conversation in halls of power, in board rooms, in research labs, and at dinner tables around the world.

  • Graphic showing David Walker and Dennis McCuistion.

Will Federal Government Debt Destroy the Dollar? (3016)

February 18, 2024|Categories: Featured Program, Featured-Home, Politics, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

When Ronald Reagan took office in 1981, the total direct federal debt accumulated since 1789 was less than one trillion dollars. Today that debt is 34 trillion on its way to 50 trillion.

  • National Defense Briefing Series Event

National Defense Briefing Series Event

February 14, 2024|Categories: Featured-Home, Press Release|Tags: , |0 Comments

The recent National Defense Briefing Series, presentation of the Sam Johnson Defender of Freedom award to Mr. Darcy Anderson, to which I was invited, was a memorable one for many reasons. Several of our McCuistion Perspectives Matter television guests were at the event, including Jeff (Jeffrey) Engel, founding director of the Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University

  • Graphic for Perspectives Matter - Immortality: Is Death Really Necessary? showing screenshots of David Wood, Dennis McCuistion, and Jose Luis Cordeiro on a McCuistionTV background.

Immortally: Is Death Really Necessary? Part Two (3014)

February 11, 2024|Categories: Featured Program, Featured-Home, Human Interest, Recent Programs, Technology|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Our guests claim that death is a disease and can be cured. They discuss the implications of immortality such as ethics, finance, religion, retirement and even marriage, surrounding the possibility of immortality. We learn even more unique perspectives as to whether death, like taxes, is inevitable.

  • Graphic for Perspectives Matter - Immortality: Is Death Really Necessary? (Part one), showing guests David Wood, Sc.D. and Jose Luis Cordeiro, Ph.D., with host Dennis McCuistion.

Immortally: Is Death Really Necessary? Part One (3013)

February 4, 2024|Categories: Featured Program, Featured-Home, Human Interest, Recent Programs, Technology|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Our guests believe it is possible to live 200-300 years or forever! This is part one of a two-part program on whether we humans actually have to see death as part of life. We look at the scientific research that is being done all over the world and whether in fact you or your loved ones can avoid death as we know it.

  • Graphic showing screenshots of Jeffrey Singer, Vanda Felbab-Brown, and Jim Falk on the McCuistion background

The Geopolitics of Our Border Drug Trade (3009)

January 28, 2024|Categories: Featured Program, Featured-Home, Politics, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Joining Host Jim Falk on the controversial topic of how China and Mexico may be enabling the production and importation of illicit drugs into the United States and what options are being proposed to counter this growing problem are two guests who look at this issue very differently.

  • Perspectives Matter #3010 - Can We Fix Our Immigration Policies? episode graphic with headshots of Dany Bahar, David J. Bier, Lora Ries and Jim falk on a Blue McCuistion background above the text

Can We Fix Our Immigration Policies? (3010)

January 21, 2024|Categories: Featured Program, Featured-Home, Human Interest, Politics, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

In our discussion, we ask: What percentage of the total U.S. population is made up of immigrants and how much has it fluctuated in recent years? As America’s birth rate drops, should we or should we not increase the number of immigrants allowed into the country? Is the United States becoming less competitive for immigrant workers, particularly high-skilled? See what our experts have to say on Perspectives Matter - Can We Fix Our Immigration Policies?

  • Graphic showing guests Jaquelyn Gamini, Michele Forbes, and Kacie Kelly with host Amanda Schnetzer beside the episode title, Our Youth’s Mental Health Crisis (3006)

Our Youth’s Mental Health Crisis (3006)

January 14, 2024|Categories: Featured Program, Featured-Home, Human Interest, Mental Health, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Emergency room visits for anxiety and depression are up nearly 30%. Suicide attempts for girls are up dramatically. More young people are reporting “persistent” feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and thoughts of suicide. So, what’s going on that is causing this? And what are potential solutions? Join us to learn more.

  • Graphic with Stephen Fagin and Dennis McCuistion talking on Perspectives Matter - The Sixth Floor Museum and the JFK 60th Anniversary

The Sixth Floor Museum and the JFK 60th Anniversary (3007)

November 19, 2023|Categories: Current News, Featured Program, Featured-Home, Global Affairs, Human Interest, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Joining Dennis McCuistion to talk about the President’s legacy and how the Museum honors this history, is Stephen Fagin, the Sixth Floor Museum, Curator and Oral Historian, and author of Assassination Commemoration, JFK, and the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza.

  • Is Drone Warfare Ethical? (2901)

Is Drone Warfare Ethical? (2901) Re-air

November 12, 2023|Categories: Featured Program, Featured-Home, Niki Site, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Drone warfare remains controversial, with many questioning the ethics, morality, and critical legal issues of using drones to fight their wars, even though they may be considered essential instruments of war.

  • Graphic for Perspectives Matter - The Inflation Crisis showing JOhn Maulden and host Dennis McCuistion on a blue McCuistion TV Background.

The Inflation Crisis (2924)

November 5, 2023|Categories: Current News, Featured Program, Featured-Home, Global Affairs, Human Interest, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

According to Mauldin, the economy in 2019 was already indicating we could be headed for a recession. COVID-19 turned everything upside down. We were in a crisis. What direction do we take now? Are we headed for a financial meltdown?