
National Defense Briefing Series Event

By |2024-02-14T14:19:08-05:00February 14, 2024|Featured-Home, Press Release|

The recent National Defense Briefing Series, presentation of the Sam Johnson Defender of Freedom award to Mr. Darcy Anderson, to which I was invited, was a memorable one for many reasons. Several of our McCuistion Perspectives Matter television guests were at the event, including Jeff (Jeffrey) Engel, founding director of the Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University

Immortally: Is Death Really Necessary? Part Two (3014)

By |2024-05-13T22:09:27-05:00February 11, 2024|Featured Program, Featured-Home, Human Interest, Recent Programs, Technology|

Our guests claim that death is a disease and can be cured. They discuss the implications of immortality such as ethics, finance, religion, retirement and even marriage, surrounding the possibility of immortality. We learn even more unique perspectives as to whether death, like taxes, is inevitable.

Immortally: Is Death Really Necessary? Part One (3013)

By |2024-05-13T22:08:33-05:00February 4, 2024|Featured Program, Featured-Home, Human Interest, Recent Programs, Technology|

Our guests believe it is possible to live 200-300 years or forever! This is part one of a two-part program on whether we humans actually have to see death as part of life. We look at the scientific research that is being done all over the world and whether in fact you or your loved ones can avoid death as we know it.

Can We Fix Our Immigration Policies? (3010)

By |2024-05-13T22:39:32-05:00January 21, 2024|Featured Program, Featured-Home, Human Interest, Politics, Recent Programs|

In our discussion, we ask: What percentage of the total U.S. population is made up of immigrants and how much has it fluctuated in recent years? As America’s birth rate drops, should we or should we not increase the number of immigrants allowed into the country? Is the United States becoming less competitive for immigrant workers, particularly high-skilled? See what our experts have to say on Perspectives Matter - Can We Fix Our Immigration Policies?

Our Youth’s Mental Health Crisis (3006)

By |2024-05-13T22:39:40-05:00January 14, 2024|Featured Program, Featured-Home, Human Interest, Mental Health, Recent Programs|

Emergency room visits for anxiety and depression are up nearly 30%. Suicide attempts for girls are up dramatically. More young people are reporting “persistent” feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and thoughts of suicide. So, what’s going on that is causing this? And what are potential solutions? Join us to learn more.

The Sixth Floor Museum and the JFK 60th Anniversary (3007)

By |2024-01-12T01:17:06-05:00November 19, 2023|Current News, Featured Program, Featured-Home, Global Affairs, Human Interest, Recent Programs|

Joining Dennis McCuistion to talk about the President’s legacy and how the Museum honors this history, is Stephen Fagin, the Sixth Floor Museum, Curator and Oral Historian, and author of Assassination Commemoration, JFK, and the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza.

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