George Ellis and Bob Wright on Venture Philanthropy
Taxpayer Funding and Women’s Reproductive RightsTaxpayer Funding and Women’s Reproductive Rights

Featuring: Dr. Richard Leblanc, Author of Inside the Boardroom
Offered by: University of Texas at Dallas, (IECG) Institute for Excellence in Corporate Governance

Dr. Richard Leblanc, award-winning Associate Professor of Law, Governance and Ethics at York University in Toronto, shared his insights from his unique research in the boardroom and from the hundreds of interviews he has conducted with sitting board members. In addition to Inside the Boardroom: How Boards Really Work, Dr. Leblanc is the author of the Coming Revolution in Corporate Governance and co-author of 20 Questions Directors of Not-for-Profit Organizations Should Ask About Board Recruitment, Development and Assessment.

Some of the topics he covered in this presentation included:

  • Does your nonprofit really need a functioning board?
  • How do we know if we have the “right board?” Even if we do, what is the role of board leadership and behavior?
  • Who should lead the board, and what are the two major types of board chairs?
  • What are the five types of functional board members and how should they be identified and recruited?
  • What are the five types of dysfunctional board members and how should they be avoided or “evaluated out?”
  • What are the 20 Questions Directors of Not-for-Profit Organizations Should Ask About Board Recruitment, Development and Assessment?

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George Ellis and Bob Wright on Venture Philanthropy
Taxpayer Funding and Women’s Reproductive RightsTaxpayer Funding and Women’s Reproductive Rights