Texoma Living! Magazine Discusses the McCuistion Program After More Than 500 Shows with Dennis McCuistion and Niki Nicastro
Health Care Reform Links: Implications for today and in the future

In today’s news updates we provide links to health care updates.

Key Democrats Still in Play as Health Vote Approaches

WASHINGTON — House Democrats, entering the final 48-hour countdown on their yearlong effort to overhaul the health care system, emerged from a caucus meeting on Friday morning amid signs that crucial votes remained in play in both directions.

Full text of President Obama’s speech on health reform

The link above will forward you to the text from President Obama’s speech at Georgetown University.

Caterpillar Opposes Health Care Bill, AARP and AMA Support It

As Congress prepares for a final vote on health care reform legislation, an executive from Caterpillar, Inc., notified the Democratic and Republican leaders of the House that the company is asking legislators to vote against the health care reform bill because it will drive up the company’s health care costs “by more than 20 percent (over $100 million) in the first year alone and put at risk the coverage our current employees and retirees receive.”

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Texoma Living! Magazine Discusses the McCuistion Program After More Than 500 Shows with Dennis McCuistion and Niki Nicastro
Health Care Reform Links: Implications for today and in the future