Monday News Round Up: North Korea Missile Fire, Columbus Day, Health Care Bill
Is Limited Government an Oxymoron?Is Limited Government an Oxymoron?

Considering how the story of the balloon boy was all over the news and the Twitter community yesterday, we are going to break from some of our traditional news reels and add a bonus link to the “balloon boy” story. Thankfully the six-year-old was at home and safe while the world feared the worst.

‘Balloon boy’ dad: It wasn’t a stunt

Upset that anyone would think he would stage a stunt involving his own son and a homemade flying-saucerlike balloon, and struggling with still-raw emotions, Richard Heene called Thursday’s riveting drama played out in the skies over northern Colorado a “horrible moment.”


Bank of America Posts Third-Quarter Loss on Defaults (Update3)

Bank of America Corp., the biggest U.S. lender, posted its second quarterly loss in less than a year, unable to shake off effects of the economic contraction that drove the company to take two taxpayer bailouts.

Production in U.S. Increases More Than Anticipated (Update2)

Industrial production in the U.S. rose more than three times as much as anticipated in September, putting manufacturing at the forefront of the emerging economic recovery.


Pakistan faces new wave of Taliban attacks

Pakistan’s army chief briefed the country’s top leaders Friday on the tenuous security situation as the government combats a new wave of attacks believed to have been orchestrated by Taliban militants.


Local people, agencies prepare for H1N1 outbreak

It’s October and flu season’s here. But along with concerns about the seasonal flu that typically occur this time of year, health agencies are warning people about the H1N1 flu virus.

H1N1 was originally called “swine flu” because tests showed that many of the virus’ genes were similar to ones that normally occur in pigs in North America. But further study showed that the new virus is very different, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Monday News Round Up: North Korea Missile Fire, Columbus Day, Health Care Bill
Is Limited Government an Oxymoron?Is Limited Government an Oxymoron?