The Foster Care Problem: Is the foster care system broken? – Part 1The Foster Care Problem: Is the foster care system broken? - Part 1
Freedom Fest: Lawrence Reed

Joining Terry Brock and Dennis from Freedom Fest, Las Vegas, is Alex Green who talks about spiritual wealth, your health, family, friends, community, fly fishing (for some) and sunsets, among the things that money can’t buy.

Alex Green, who spent 16 years on Wall Street, says,

“You can’t put a price on freedom. Especially personal freedom…  It may mean you have to change your lifestyle, a smaller house, one car instead of two, or public transportation.”

Alex Green asks,

“If it doesn’t involve doing work you enjoy, or you bid out to the highest bidder, what is it costing you to work this job? You have the option to experiment with your life and take risks.”

Tune in for more of Alex’s philosophy on spiritual wealth, money and the meaning of life.  Follow us on Twitter and we welcome your comments.

And as always thank you for joining us as we talk about things that matter with people who care.

Niki Nicastro McCuistion
Executive Producer / Producer

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The Foster Care Problem: Is the foster care system broken? – Part 1The Foster Care Problem: Is the foster care system broken? - Part 1
Freedom Fest: Lawrence Reed