Blurring of the Lines - Mainstream Media versus Bloggers
An Intimate Conversation with PBS’ NewsHour Anchor, Jim Lehrer – Part 1An Intimate Conversation with PBS' NewsHour Anchor, Jim Lehrer - Part 1

Why do countries around the world now seem to outstrip the United States in terms of free market philosophies as well as tax issues, from the flat tax to social security? Can the US catch up?  During this installment of McCuistion Television, focusing on freedom in America, Dennis McCuistion is joined by three panelists on location at FreedomFest.  Discussing the state of freedom in America, Dennis McCuistion is joined by:

The last twenty-five years of United States history have been successful in leading America towards a smaller government.  However, many economists and futurists look with question to the next twenty-five years to determine if, in fact, the trend will continue. There is a rising concern that socialist reforms will begin to take a hold on the free market system that has defined America for centuries.

Panelists discuss the free market system and how the opposing view of making the strong weaker by promoting economic equality is a dangerous approach.  History and current affairs have produced clear evidence that the idea of “fair” doesn’t work. Larry Abraham, with his extensive international exposure, expounds on this viewpoint by explaining the international view of America right now.

Wrapping up the conversation on freedom in America, Panelists also discuss  the flat tax, social security reform and some of the empirical evidence that supports both.  The panelists close the episode on “The State of Freedom in America” with FRTV’s Dennis McCuistion by offering suggestions for viewers to make a difference in these issues today.


1704 – 07.02.09

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Blurring of the Lines - Mainstream Media versus Bloggers
An Intimate Conversation with PBS’ NewsHour Anchor, Jim Lehrer – Part 1An Intimate Conversation with PBS' NewsHour Anchor, Jim Lehrer - Part 1