Graphic showing screenshots of Robert Hall, Jim Falk, and David Brooks on Perspectives Matter.How to Really See and Be Seen (3008)
Graphic showing a page with the word Disinformation highlighted and defined over a blue Perspectives Matter text box with "A Threat To Democracy?" in white.Disinformation: Does It Threaten Democracy?

Curiosity is somewhat defined as a strong desire to know or learn something. Curiosity is ingrained. It helps us learn as babies and survive as adults.

Host Jim Falk is joined by two experts on the topic:

Jennifer Zientz, MS, CCC,SLP, Director of Programs, Head of Clinical Services Center for Brain Health and

Cassini Nazir Assistant Professor College of Visual Arts and Design University of North Texas.

The discussion focuses on the emotion of curiosity and if curiosity can be enhanced and shaped. And, if curiosity is not part of our makeup, how might that impact our overall health and relations with others?

Curiosity seems to be a fundamental part of what makes us as humans tick, but do we all have the same kind, or amount, of curiosity? And why are some people more curious than others?



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Graphic showing screenshots of Robert Hall, Jim Falk, and David Brooks on Perspectives Matter.How to Really See and Be Seen (3008)
Graphic showing a page with the word Disinformation highlighted and defined over a blue Perspectives Matter text box with "A Threat To Democracy?" in white.Disinformation: Does It Threaten Democracy?