Federal Government Debt and Deficits in 2011Federal Government Debt and Deficits in 2011
Prescription Drug Costs and Safety: Part OnePrescription Drug Costs and Safety: Part One

Most Americans know that our federal government debt and annual deficits are unsustainable. The question is: what should be done to cut government spending? Solutions to the problem are not only hard to identify, but even more difficult to implement politically.

Join Dennis McCuistion and panelists as we share real solutions to save America’s financial future. Panelists are:

  • David Walker: Former Comptroller General, and
  • Mike George: Founder, Strong America Now

Unless you’ve been under a rock, or failed to see our recent program on the subject, you know that our federal government’s $14 trillion debt, its annual $1 plus trillion deficits and the unfunded liabilities for social programs are unsustainable. The problem is easy to identify, not as easy to understand the causes, but very difficult to not only identify solutions but implement them politically.

On this program you’ll hear some of the most creative ideas you haven’t heard yet. Regardless of your politics, you probably would like to see many of these solutions implemented. You won’t go to Iowa, but would you contact your elected representatives and make your views known. Our country’s future depends on it.

Thanks once again for joining us as we talk about things that matter… with people who care.

Niki Nicastro McCuistion
Executive Producer/ Producer



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Federal Government Debt and Deficits in 2011Federal Government Debt and Deficits in 2011
Prescription Drug Costs and Safety: Part OnePrescription Drug Costs and Safety: Part One