News Updates for Monday
News Update: Iran Nuclear Plant, Consumer Report and Immigration

This Sunday, August 15th, at 12 noon on KERA, Channel 13, critically acclaimed investigative journalist and CNBC TV personality, Charles Gasparino, joins McCuistion.  In Part Two of  the conversation he illuminates his controversial best seller: The Sellout.

Charles Gasparino discusses today’s economic crisis, the financial and political debacle that led to it, and the role and responsibilities Ben Bernanke, Hank Paulson and others had in contributing to the global meltdown in our economy. He argues that the present day situation had its roots in irresponsible actions taken 30 years ago and the same may happen again if the systemic problem is not resolved.  He states that if we want answers, we need to look back at the players then and the key figures today… which are still built on yesterday’s greed and risk taking.

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News Updates for Monday
News Update: Iran Nuclear Plant, Consumer Report and Immigration