Friday News Update: Health Care Reform
ObamaCare Health Care Reform: What the real numbers appear to be

Last night, March 21, 2010, the congressional vote announced a change in America that has been compared to the institution of social security and medicaid.  This highly controversial issue has sent rivets throughout the country as the American people either cringe or celebrate.  Today in our news update, we have posted 4 links to provide information on what the health care reform vote means to us and some of the implications for today and in the future.

Democrats hail landmark US healthcare bill

Democrats have hailed the approval of legislation extending healthcare to an additional 32 million Americans as a historic advance in social justice.

The speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi said it was comparable to the establishment of Medicare and Social Security.

The bill was passed in the House on Sunday evening by just seven votes.

Sebelius: Americans Will Embrace Health Reform

Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius says that, despite a new CBS News poll showing widespread skepticism and confusion, Americans will be “enthusiastic” about the health reform bill passed by the House of Representatives once they understand it.

“I think what’s been going on for the better part of a year is a lot of attempts to confuse and scare Americans,” Sebelius told “Early Show” co-anchor Maggie Rodriguez.

Sebelius said she was “absolutely convinced” that “once people understand what’s in the bill and the fact that a lot of what they’ve been hearing has never been contemplated, has never been in the bill, that they’ll be very enthusiastic about what congress did last night.”

Health care bills change game for states

The package of health care legislation passed by the U.S. House Sunday night (March 21) would bring major changes to patients and the medical system that treats them, but it also could shake up state government in ways felt in the courtroom, on the campaign trail and in regulatory offices.

Three Republican state attorneys general — from Florida, South Carolina and Virginia — are chomping at the bit to challenge the planned changes in court. In Virginia, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli vowed to file suit “as soon as the ink is dry” from President Obama’s signature on the bills, the Washington Post reports.Cuccinelli’s legal reasoning for attacking the scheme hinges on a mandate that would require individuals to buy health insurance. He says the requirement goes beyond Congress’ authority to regulate interstate commerce, the rationale for federal action.

Will Obama now blame GOP for faults in his health care plan?

After Democrats finish dancing in the streets to celebrate narrow passage of new health care laws Sunday night, they’re likely to switch to another favorite pastime: shifting blame.

Why? Because there are two bills, with one being enacted into law but the other still hung up in the process, very possibly indefinitely.

That will likely lead to a classic game of political spin and propaganda. President Obama’s has admitted that the first bill—which passed and he is signing into law—is deeply flawed. But the second bill—the supposed clean-up-and-fix-the-first bill—may never become law.

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Friday News Update: Health Care Reform
ObamaCare Health Care Reform: What the real numbers appear to be