The Millennial Revolution: Part One
The Millennial generation is unlike any generation the world has seen. This episode explores some of the remarkable differences in both their mission and the way their brain works.
Civil Asset Forfeiture
Civil Asset Forfeiture Can Impact You!
Nonprofits Today: Are They At Risk?
Joining host Dennis McCuistion are: Brent E. Christopher: President Children's' Medical Foundation, David J. Scullin: President and CEO, Communities Foundation of Texas, and Tammy Richards: CEO, Volunteer Now L to R: Brent E. Christopher, [...]
Gun Violence: Are There Solutions?
Are our second amendment rights endangered if firearms are restricted? Or is gun reform the "smart" answer to a growing problem with gun violence? The recent tragic incidents of mass shootings have many questioning our [...]
Gun Violence: Its Causes and Scope
Gun violence and what's behind the increasing numbers of mass and individual shootings is the subject of this episode. Join this panel of experts as they discuss this pressing issue.
Re-Air: Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies: Real Money or Speculation?
Terry Brock, Niki McCuistion, Professor William Greene and more discuss bitcoin.
Re-Air: The Opioid Epidemic
According to the UN International Narcotics Control Board, Americans consume more opioids than any other country.
Will China and the United States Avoid War?
Will China and the United States avoid war? Join our experts to hear their very divergent points of view and why the history of China "should" at the very least make us vigilant about the future.
China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Its Implications for America
The Belt and Road Initiative has become more than just an interesting idea by which to focus diplomatic, economic, and strategic thinking. It has become instead an end in itself.
JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald: Insights from a 1966 Interview with Oswald’s Mother
Lee Harvey Oswald's mother sat down with radio host Bob Allen in a now famous interview post the assassination of JFK. In this episode we talk with Bob Allen about that interview and more.
A New Perspective on North Korea (Re-Air)
Left to Right: Hiroki Takeuchi, PhD, Ms. Jieun Pyun, and Paul F. Diehl, PhD Joining Host Dennis McCuistion to talk about the increasingly hostile situation with North Korea are: Paul F. Diehl, PhD [...]
Positive Psychology: Don’t Worry, Be Happy
Don't worry, be happy! Our positive psychology experts tell us how to live a well lived life, how to have more satisfaction in our lives and how to engage our strengths.
Positive Psychology and Authentic Happiness
Positive psychology is the scientific study of human flourishing. It encourages people to study the strengths and virtues that enable individuals to thrive and the factors that cause or support higher levels of well-being and health.
Is Free Speech on Campus an Oxymoron?
One of the purposes of a university is to expose people to different ideas argued with evidence and logic and augment the experience of students- with civility.
Is Free Speech No Longer Permitted In America?
Free speech has changed and many in the U.S. are abridging the meaning and the fundamental premise of what it is. The Internet opens up new possibilities, the polarization of America is making for "new" rules- one of which is it's free speech if I agree with the premise.