• Zika and West Nile: How Serious Are They? (Re-Air)

Zika and West Nile: How Serious Are They? (Re-Air)

November 20, 2017|Categories: Featured Program, Featured-Home, Niki Site, Recent Programs|Tags: , |0 Comments

West Nile virus (WNV) and Zika are infectious diseases which are primarily transmitted by infected mosquitoes. Zika can also be sexually transmitted. Contracting the Zika virus during pregnancy is becoming more problematic as it can cause congenital brain abnormalities in the fetus which we may not be aware of until the child is born.

  • Can We Talk, or Is Civil Discourse Dead?

Can We Talk, or Is Civil Discourse Dead?

August 14, 2017|Categories: Featured Program, Featured-Home, Niki Site, Recent Programs|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Robert E. Hall and Don Beck, PhD join McCuistion for a riveting conversation discussing today's social and political climate and what can be done to address the polarizing going on in the American society.