Feb9, 2014

Health Care: Hospitals and Insurance Companies

February 9, 2014|Featured Program, Recent Programs|0 Comments

For most people, health insurance is provided in whole or part by their employer. We rarely read our policies and don't know our choices. This program is designed to give you a look at health care from the hospitals' perspective and to see risk and regulations as an insurance company views them so you can better understand the choices that you may need to make if you are ever faced with entering a hospital.

Nov20, 2013

The Growing Challenge with Disability Benefits

November 20, 2013|Featured Program, Niki Site, Recent Programs|1 Comment

Disability benefits are part of the social security entitlement program and increasing costs and escalating numbers of claims are causing challenges. Some economists and others question if the bad economy along with the fact that people not being able to find jobs as readily, has any connection to the increasing number of disability claims in the last decade.