Past Programs

Past Programs2023-02-02T01:30:54-05:00
Apr3, 2022

Political Polarization: What Are the Solutions? Part Two (2809)

April 3, 2022|

The chasm dividing and undermining our relationships keeps growing, with each side blaming and demonizing the other without seeing how their own actions have contributed to the situation. What are the solutions to this polarization? Watch the discussion between Robert E. Hall, Chip Pitts, and Terry Paulson, Ph. D.

Mar27, 2022

Political Polarization: What Caused It? Part One (2808)

March 27, 2022|

While we can point fingers at politics and politicians as having contributed to a sharply divided country, and highly charged media content, especially cable news, what other factors have contributed to the deepening chasm causing issues with our democracy? Watch the discussion between Robert E. Hall, Chip Pitts, and Terry Paulson, Ph. D.

Jan30, 2022

2030: Reshaping Our Future, Part One (2805)

January 30, 2022|

Mauro F. Guillen, Ph.D., author of 2030, How Today’s Biggest Trends Will Collide and Reshape the Future of Everything, says, "the world as we know it today will be gone by 2030." That's only eight years away! Watch the show to see what you can expect and how to prepare.

Nov21, 2021

What IS Modern Monetary Theory? (2728)

November 21, 2021|

Alexander William Salter, Ph.D., and L. Randall Wray, Ph.D., join hos Dennis McCuistion for a discussion on Modern Monetary Theory, the framework developed to analyze fiscal and monetary policy applicable to national governments with sovereign currencies.

Oct31, 2021

Re-Air: What do Americans Need to Know About China? (2710)

October 31, 2021|

China continues to cause consternation to the U.S. Our relations with China appear to be at long time low. In his recent confirmation hearings for Director of the CIA, William Burns said, “The adversarial Chinese leadership poses our biggest political threat.” They are also the third-largest trading partner the U.S. has and the second-largest economy in the world and the most formidable competition that the U.S. has. Bringing some new perspectives on this growing concern is David J. Firestein, the inaugural president and CEO of the George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations (Bush China Foundation). 

Oct24, 2021

War and Corruption: Do They Go Hand in Hand? (2725)

October 24, 2021|

There seems little doubt that war breeds corruption. Dollars that should go to building a strong military force are often sidelined into individual pockets. Afghanistan is a ”glaring” example of this with government employees and even the military benefiting from aid dollars.

Oct18, 2021

Re-air: What Can We Learn from Dead Philosophers? (2709)

October 18, 2021|

Eric Weiner, award-winning journalist, former foreign correspondent for NPR, and best-selling author of The Geography of Bliss, among others, joined hosts Dennis McCuistion and Jim Falk for a rollicking discussion on his newest work, The Socrates Express, and shared insights from some of our favorite philosophers.

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