Past Programs

Past Programs2023-02-02T01:30:54-05:00
May4, 2008

What the Credit Crunch Means to You

May 4, 2008|

McCuistion and a panel of experts discuss the credit crunch and reasons for the credit crisis. They cite housing interest rates, accessibility of mortgages and lack of equity, just to name a few.

Jan13, 2008

China: Threat or Opportunity?

January 13, 2008|

Some say China is a powerhouse in terms of economic development. Others say that the China threat is something we need to examine and tread lightly.

Dec23, 2007

Global Warming and Science

December 23, 2007|

In this episode Dennis McCuistion and a panel of experts discuss the validity of global warming and its effects on our world.

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