Past Programs

Past Programs2023-02-02T01:30:54-05:00
Jul2, 2009

The State of Freedom in America

July 2, 2009|

During this installment of McCuistion Television, Dennis McCuistion is joined by Larry Abraham and two other panelists to discuss a free America and the state of freedom in America today.

Feb15, 2009

What Is the True State of the 2009 Economy?

February 15, 2009|

The 2009 economy is breaking records and not necessarily the ones we'd like it to break. McCuistion and the panelists discuss the extremity of the problem, the effectiveness of government policies and the future.

Feb1, 2009

Is the American Newspaper Market in Peril?

February 1, 2009|

Based on Manny Mendoza and Mark Birnbaum's new documentary, Stop the Presses, this program explores the demise of print media and its impact on democracy as well as innovative alternatives for the newspaper market today.

May4, 2008

What the Credit Crunch Means to You

May 4, 2008|

McCuistion and a panel of experts discuss the credit crunch and reasons for the credit crisis. They cite housing interest rates, accessibility of mortgages and lack of equity, just to name a few.

Jan13, 2008

China: Threat or Opportunity?

January 13, 2008|

Some say China is a powerhouse in terms of economic development. Others say that the China threat is something we need to examine and tread lightly.

Dec23, 2007

Global Warming and Science

December 23, 2007|

In this episode Dennis McCuistion and a panel of experts discuss the validity of global warming and its effects on our world.

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