
Can We Fix Our Immigration Policies? (3010)

By |2024-05-13T22:39:32-05:00January 21, 2024|Featured Program, Featured-Home, Human Interest, Politics, Recent Programs|

In our discussion, we ask: What percentage of the total U.S. population is made up of immigrants and how much has it fluctuated in recent years? As America’s birth rate drops, should we or should we not increase the number of immigrants allowed into the country? Is the United States becoming less competitive for immigrant workers, particularly high-skilled? See what our experts have to say on Perspectives Matter - Can We Fix Our Immigration Policies?

The Economics of Travel and Happiness (2920)

By |2024-01-12T01:04:32-05:00July 23, 2023|Featured Program, Featured-Home, Global Affairs, Politics, Recent Programs|

Did you know that those who travel are 7% happier than those who stay at home (Washington State University)?  The overwhelming majority of travelers say that their travel memories are among the happiest ones of their lives; and, as our guest Eric Weiner tells us, even delays and other snafus can over time be recalled as blissful.

Do Authoritarians Rule the World? (2913)

By |2024-01-12T00:13:20-05:00May 21, 2023|Featured Program, Featured-Home, Politics, Recent Programs|

Today, there appears to be an increasing number of autocrats and political leaders who rule solely for their own interests. From N. Korea to Iran, Saudi, and Latin America, we are seeing some flagrant abuses of power and instances of how absolute power corrupts. Our experts focus on how authoritarians exercise and abuse their power shaping world events and not for the better.

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