Current News

Political Polarization: What Caused It? Part One (2808)

By |2024-01-14T11:23:00-05:00March 27, 2022|Current News, Featured Program, Featured-Home, Niki Site, Recent Programs|

While we can point fingers at politics and politicians as having contributed to a sharply divided country, and highly charged media content, especially cable news, what other factors have contributed to the deepening chasm causing issues with our democracy? Watch the discussion between Robert E. Hall, Chip Pitts, and Terry Paulson, Ph. D.

Russia’s Twilight War

By |2023-01-29T19:03:03-05:00February 25, 2022|Current News, Featured-Home, Niki Site|

For those of you who have read my second book, The Absent Superpower, recent events in Ukraine should not come as a surprise. Chapter 6, The Twilight War, lays out how Russian geography and demographic realities would dictate Russian aggression in its immediate periphery. This is not a justification of Moscow's aggression against its neighbor, but international watchers should not be feigning surprise.

Ten Tips on Civil Dialogue

By |2023-02-10T20:23:34-05:00April 28, 2019|Current News, Niki Site|

By Terry Paulson, PhD Free and open political discussions have always helped make America strong.Such dialogue is the fire that tests the metal of our convictions and the depth of our understanding. They aren’t to be [...]

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