Health Care: Hospitals and Insurance CompaniesHealth Care: Hospitals and Insurance Companies
Health Care: Doctors and Patients

Health care costs are escalating, and while many employees are covered, fully or in part by their employer, rising costs pose problems for both.

Health Care: Employers and Employees

Left to Right: Scott Flannery, Cyndie Ewert, Dennis McCuistion, & Neisha Strambler-Butler

Employers are concerned with managing costs and it is in fact many companies fastest growing budget concern. Rising costs are making health care a benefit that many companies find more challenging and is resulting in their asking employees to share in their policy premiums. Wellness strategies are increasingly being used to help employees be more aware of how to stay healthy. Yet getting involvement is not always easy and participation levels are still low.

Joining host, Dennis McCuistion, are guests:

  • Scott Flannery – CEO, United Health Care, North Texas
  • Cyndie Ewert – Director, Benefits & H.R. Services, Energy Future Holdings
  • Neisha Strambler-Butler – Manager, Health Benefits & Wellness, Texas Instruments
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The Affordable Care Act presents even more challenges. Implementing its new regulations is a challenge that impacts a company’s decision making toward costs. Can employees stay competitive if they don’t provide full coverage? What kind of compromises are needed to deal with this growing issue?

The options are confusing to both companies and employees.

Niki Nicastro McCuistion, CSP
Executive Producer/ Producer
Management Analyst, Speaker, Consultant
(214) 394-6794


2011 – 01.06.13

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Health Care: Hospitals and Insurance CompaniesHealth Care: Hospitals and Insurance Companies
Health Care: Doctors and Patients