TV and Its Impact on Society and Our KidsTV and Its Impact on Society and Our Kids
Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business – Part TwoConscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business - Part Two

In response to the greed associated by many to  “capitalism at all costs”, Whole Foods Market co-founder, John Mackey, and professor and Conscious Capitalism, Inc. co-founder, Raj Sisodia, argue for the inherent good of both business and capitalism. They make a sound argument for a new way of doing business that is more ethically conscious and humane.

Joining host Dennis McCuistion are:

  • Raj Sisodia, PhD – Co-founder of Conscious Capitalism, Inc., and the co-author of Firms of Endearment and Conscious Capitalism
  • Doug Levy – Conscious capitalism “practitioner”, Founder and CEO of MePlusYou
  • Rand Stagen – Conscious capitalism “practitioner”, Managing Partner at the Stagen Leadership Academy
Left to Right: Doug Levy, Dennis McCuistion, Rand Stagen, Niki McCuistion, and Raj Sisodia

Their book features some of the best companies to work for in the United States including: The Container Store, Google, Southwest Airlines, among others who practice the tenets of conscious capitalism. Dr. Sisodia was in Dallas for a University of Texas Dallas: Institute for Excellence in Corporate Governance (IECG) conference. He shared how conscious capitalism works to create value for all stakeholders: employees, customers, suppliers, investors, society, and the environment and why aspiring leaders and businesses need to build on this path of transformation-for the good of both business and society as a whole. Doug Levy and Rand Stagen, active participants in what is gaining traction as the Conscious Capitalism movement, discuss how they apply the tenets of conscious capitalism in their own business and in working with their clients. They use the four tenets of conscious capitalism:

  1. Higher purpose
  2. Stakeholder integration
  3. Conscious leadership
  4. Conscious culture and management
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Doug Levy, Rand Stagen and their colleagues have built strong businesses that advance capitalism further toward realizing its highest potential – for the good of both business and society as a whole. As our guests tell us:

“Business can do more than just make money. Business needs to be conducted with a higher consciousness to create value, financial, emotional, physical, ecological, spiritual as well as cultural and intellectual win wins. Business is good because it creates value. It is ethical because it is based on voluntary exchange. It is noble because it can elevate our existence, and it is heroic because it lifts people out of poverty.”

As a result of business in the last century not only are we healthier, eating better, more educated and living longer, but we are also using work to make a difference… More and more CEO’s and employees are asking “How can I bring my full self to my job? How can I do well and do good?”

Join us to learn from business people who are changing the face of business and building great places to work in.

Niki Nicastro McCuistion, CSP
Executive Producer/ Producer
Management Analyst, Speaker, Consultant
(214) 394-6794
Google+ Profile

2115 – 12.29.2013

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TV and Its Impact on Society and Our KidsTV and Its Impact on Society and Our Kids
Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business – Part TwoConscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business - Part Two