20 Years of McCuistion: Energy, the Environment and Immigration (Pt. 2 of 6)
The Obama Experts vs. the Rule of Law (from The Heritage Foundation)

Japan issues Europe travel alert, joining US

Japan on Monday issued a travel alert for visitors to Europe, reflecting widening concerns over terror strikes in Europe by militants trained in Pakistan, some of them possibly European citizens.

Tokyo’s alert followed a similar one from the United States on Sunday, which drew support from the United Kingdom and France. The UK raised its terror warning to “high” for its nationals in France and Germany after the US announcement. But Germany has said it sees no danger of imminent terror attacks, and German intelligence is skeptical of the warnings, reports Agence-France Presse today.

Pink tips: How to prevent breast cancer

During this breast cancer Awareness Month or the pink month, we offer the following for those who are interested in knowing some tips on how to really prevent breast cancer. Remember, breast cancer in many cases is preventable – preventing it in the first place is preferable over being diagnosed through screening beginning at age 40, then having to be subjected to traditional chemotherapy and radiation once the disease develops.

Pioneer of In Vitro Fertilization Wins Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine has been awarded this year to Robert G. Edwards, an English biologist who, with a physician colleague, Patrick Steptoe, developed the in vitro fertilization procedure for treating human infertility.

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20 Years of McCuistion: Energy, the Environment and Immigration (Pt. 2 of 6)
The Obama Experts vs. the Rule of Law (from The Heritage Foundation)