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Unemployment rate rises to 9.6%, first increase in four months as economy struggles

Americans received an unwanted Labor Day weekend present as the unemployment rate increased to 9.6%, the government reported Friday.

The small uptick shows the economy is still struggling to fully escape the grip of last year’s recession.

Economist: Economists Don’t Know Why Unemployment Is So High

In a speech yesterday, Christina Romer, departing chairman of Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, wasn’t shy about how much economists don’t understand about the nation’s economy.

Illegal Immigrant Unemployment Rate at 10% of Estimated 11.1 Million

As reported on September 1, 2010 by Jeffrey Passel and D’Vera Cohn with the PEW Hispanic Center, according to new estimates by the Center, the annual inflow of unauthorized immigrants to the United States was nearly two-thirds smaller in the March 2007 to March 2009 period than it had been from March 2000 to March 2005.

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North Korea discusses succession and more...
 McCuistion TV Invites You to Donor Bridge Giving Day this Wednesday the 8th