Interviews with National Leaders: Congresswoman Stephanie Sandlin - Part 1 of 3
The Past and Future of JihadistsThe Past and Future of Jihadists

Senator John Thune, South Dakota Senator, joined Dennis McCuistion for a quick interview during his time with the South Dakota Bankers Association in August 2009.

During Senator John Thune’s interview they discuss the budget deficit and the staggering numbers that should concern all Americans, reiterating the importance of politicians and Congress restraining spending.  Before they conclude, they touch on “cap and trade” and what it means to the average American.

[flashvideo file=wp-content/uploads/_clips/Senator.flv /]

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Interviews with National Leaders: Congresswoman Stephanie Sandlin - Part 1 of 3
The Past and Future of JihadistsThe Past and Future of Jihadists