Freedom Fest Interview: Richard Viguerie on Conservative Values and Preservation of Freedom
Updated TV Season

During Freedom Fest, Dennis and Terry Brock  had the opportunity to chat with Matt Welch, Editor-in-Chief of Reason Magazine, a well respected Libertarian issues-oriented magazine, in circulation since 1968.

Reason TV, an offshoot of the magazine, was started 2 years ago and focuses on video journalism and documentaries with funny man, Drew Carey who serves as the discussion coordinator. Matt tells us,

We focus on issues that are of import to us, from eminent domain abuses to the bailouts passed earlier this morning.

Matt defines libertarianism as,

Free Minds, Free Markets. Reason believes in science broadly applied, not vague statements, but something that can be measured and looked at. We don’t believe it’s the Federal Government’s job to solve everyone’s problems. In short- we’re about being fiscally conservative and socially tolerant.  We have faith in markets as the better choice in most situations. We have a belief and joy in what markets can do.

The conversation turned to politics and government where Matt added,

George Bush expanded the science of regulation; the regulation of capital markets.

Dennis, who had recently bumped into former President George Bush, mentioned the interaction and that the President had asked some of the group that day, what they thought of his performance regarding the bailouts.  Dennis had expressed some concern. President Bush said,

Here’s a situation: My three top advisors, Bernanke, Cox and Paulson came in one day and said, Mr. President if we don’t bailout AIG, there’s going to be a meltdown, we’ll have an international catastrophe. ‘Dennis what would you have done?’

“So Matt, what would you do?” Dennis asked.

“Prove it,” said Matt.

And now for the rest of the provocative interview.

Join us from Freedom Fest, where as always we’re talking about things that matter with people who care.

Thanks for watching…

Niki Nicastro McCuistion
Executive Producer

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Freedom Fest Interview: Richard Viguerie on Conservative Values and Preservation of Freedom
Updated TV Season