Nutrition: Discussing the pros and cons of a no meat diet
An Intimate Conversation with PBS’ NewsHour Anchor, Jim Lehrer – Part 2An Intimate Conversation with PBS' NewsHour Anchor, Jim Lehrer - Part 2

This week straight from Las Vegas: Dennis McCuistion, Host of the McCuistion program, and Terry Brock, business consultant and journalist, are conducting short interviews with luminaries at the 2009 Freedom Fest conference, which reads like a who’s who of economists, CEO’s and thought leaders.

Freedom Fest is an annual festival where “free minds meet” to celebrate “great books, great ideas, and great thinkers” in an open-minded society.  It is independent, non-partisan, and not affiliated with any organization or think tank.

Founded and produced by Mark Skousen, (who’s been a guest on our program, A Conversation with Mark Skousen) Freedom Fest invites the “best and the brightest” from around the world to talk, strategize, socialize, and celebrate liberty. Mark comments,” Freedom Fest is open to all and is purely egalitarian, where speakers, attendees, and exhibitors are treated as equals.”  Freedom Fest has separate forums on philosophy, science and technology, art and entertainment, economics, geo-politics, finance, and literature, among others.  There’s a debate room, where a new hot topic is debated every hour, general sessions with world-renown experts, and a special one-hour time with 6-7 “bright new stars” – up and coming scholars who have something to contribute.

McCuistion and Brock interviewed Steve Forbes, who commented, “Capitalism will save America from the excesses of the Federal Reserve, the Bush Administration’s excesses and the stimulus packages of the Obama Administration. Tea parties and other indications show that we will turn these problems around.”

They spoke with Fred Foldvary who said:  “The Depression of 2008 was laid out in a paper I wrote in 1997 and a booklet published in 2007. A combination of loose Federal Reserve policy combined with real estate speculation caused the problem.”


Michael Tanner of CATO, “The Obama health care plan will not cut costs or cover all the uninsured or increase quality.  What it will lead to is increased costs, delays in getting care and a massive bureaucracy allocating resources for consumers and healthcare professionals.”

Stay tuned for more comments and upcoming on the spot video interviews, live from Las Vegas.

Thanks for joining us,

Niki McCuistion
Producer- McCuistion TV

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Nutrition: Discussing the pros and cons of a no meat diet
An Intimate Conversation with PBS’ NewsHour Anchor, Jim Lehrer – Part 2An Intimate Conversation with PBS' NewsHour Anchor, Jim Lehrer - Part 2