The Masterful Phil WexlerThe Masterful Phil Wexler
The China Nightmare (2810)The China Nightmare (2810)

Joining hosts Dennis McCuistion and Jim Cathcart, Sunday, April 3, are:

Robert Hall, Author of This Land of Strangers, and a Huffington Post article, Hijacked, which inspired this program,

Chip Pitts, former Chair of Amnesty International. U.S.A., and former President and Chair of the National Bill of Rights Defense Committee,

and Terry Paulson, Ph.D., a psychologist and commentator for and

Political polarization has taken its toll on religion, education, sports, families and business.

The chasm dividing and undermining our relationships keeps growing, with each side blaming and demonizing the other without seeing how their own actions have contributed to the situation.

According to a Battleground Poll, voters now rate “division in the country” as the most important issue facing them.

Voters are saying they want politicians who are willing to work together to get things done. Viewership of divisive sources, CNN and Fox, is dropping.

Join us and our esteemed team to learn more about the issues and potential solutions.

We welcome your feedback.

Thank you for engaging with us.

Niki McCuistion, Co-Founder, Executive Producer

And thank you for your continued support. Your financial contribution is keeping us on the air. Every dollar you donate to the Foundation for Responsible Television, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization makes a difference. Your financial contribution is keeping us on the air. This is especially important as we do not receive any funding from PBS or other public sources.

If you want to catch up on any past McCuistion programs, you can watch them at your convenience by visiting

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Perspectives Matter is a McCuistion Program and as part of a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization does not receive any pledge dollars, PBS funds, or government grants. The funding that has kept us on the air for 33-plus years comes from our grantors and loyal viewers. Your donation allows us to continue to hold engaging programs that provide different perspectives. To be a catalyst for change, support our TV programs. Thank you for your support and for watching.

Many thanks for your continued support!

The Masterful Phil WexlerThe Masterful Phil Wexler
The China Nightmare (2810)The China Nightmare (2810)