Climate Change: Settled or Unsettled? (2803)Climate Change: Settled or Unsettled? (2803)
Global Trends and Forecast for 2022, The World in 2022 (2804)Global Trends and Forecast for 2022, The World in 2022 (2804)

Daniel Burrus, Technology Futurist, author of the bestsellers Technotrends and Flash Foresight, puts on his strategic advisor and futurist hat with his new work, The Anticipatory Organization.

He joins hosts Dennis McCuistion and Jim Cathcart for a look through the crystal ball to see what the future brings us in hard and soft trends. 
Named by the New York Times as one of the top three business gurus, Dan invites us to see beyond current reality and the implications of trends. 
He suggests we not only predict the future but reshape the future. Agility is reactionary, the other side is being anticipatory, We need to anticipate disruptions before they actually disrupt.
Dan advises we look at hard trends vs. soft trends. Hard trends are those that in the future will happen and not change, soft trends are assumptions about the future. If you’re managing risk, the difference becomes critical.
And he claims that a trend by itself is boring! It’s academic until you attach an opportunity to it.
Join us for some insights that may change how you live and work!

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Climate Change: Settled or Unsettled? (2803)Climate Change: Settled or Unsettled? (2803)
Global Trends and Forecast for 2022, The World in 2022 (2804)Global Trends and Forecast for 2022, The World in 2022 (2804)