The Rise of the Mad-and-Blame Industrial Complex by Robert HallThe Rise of the Mad-and-Blame Industrial Complex by Robert Hall
The New Religion: Destructive EscalationThe New Religion: Destructive Escalation
When we lament the fact that 45,000 Americans commit suicide every year, we also often find ourselves thinking about individuals we know personally who have been affected by this tragedy.

Joining host Dennis McCuistion are 4 individuals who have been personally impacted by suicide:

Left to Right: Dan Johnson, Julie K. Hersh, & Vanita Halliburton

  • Kevin Goins became so deeply depressed after losing his job he thought he had no future and seriously contemplated suicide. His faith helped him.
  • Dan Johnson, a songwriter, who wrote a song presently in concert called Hemingway, talks and sings about his father who committed suicide when he was 33. Dan was angry and depressed for a long time and at age 32 decided to die by suicide. It was an epiphany for him when he realized he was going to do to his kids what he felt his father had done to him.
  • Julie K. Hersh, President of The Hersh Foundation, and author of Struck by Living, attempted suicide several times because of her deep depression. She received electric shock treatment and today is well. She speaks about her crisis all over the world and started the foundation to help others in this situation.
  • Vanita Halliburton founded the Grant Halliburton foundation after her teenage son Grant committed suicide. The foundation serves young people and their family especially through these crisis.
And once again we are honored to be underwritten by The Hatton W. Sumner’s Foundation, Inc. The McCuistion Program, a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization does not receive any KERA pledge dollars, PBS funds or government grants. The funding which has kept us on the air for 28 years comes from grantors and viewers just like you. So thank you for your continued support.

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We appreciate you,

Niki McCuistion, CSP
Co-founder/ Executive Producer
Certified Speaker, Coach, Consultant in
Transforming Organizational Culture…
Aligning Purpose, Performance and People
(214) 394-6794 |
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10.28.18 – 2508

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Perspectives Matter is a McCuistion Program and as part of a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization does not receive any pledge dollars, PBS funds, or government grants. The funding that has kept us on the air for 33-plus years comes from our grantors and loyal viewers. Your donation allows us to continue to hold engaging programs that provide different perspectives. To be a catalyst for change, support our TV programs. Thank you for your support and for watching.

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The Rise of the Mad-and-Blame Industrial Complex by Robert HallThe Rise of the Mad-and-Blame Industrial Complex by Robert Hall
The New Religion: Destructive EscalationThe New Religion: Destructive Escalation