Ben & Me: Leadership Insights from Our Founding FathersBen & Me: Leadership Insights from Our Founding Fathers
Curiosity: Your SuperpowerCuriosity: Your Superpower

Telly Award Bronze Statue 45th Annual Telly Awards Bronze Winner!
How to Really See and Be Seen is the Bronze Telly Winner in Television Interview and Talk Show.


According to a recent survey by the Pew Research Center, 61% of U.S. adults say having close friends is extremely or very important to live a fulfilling life. Yet, consider this, 30% say they have fewer than three close friends.

The U.S. Surgeon General states that the U.S. has a growing epidemic of loneliness and isolation. High schoolers and young adults are especially prone to feeling alone, lacking social connections and a sense of community.

Joining Host Jim Falk is
David Brooks, whose latest book, How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen, explores relationships and how we can build deeper connections. According to Brooks, part of the problem is, we just aren’t very good at seeing and understanding others. He states, “We’re living in the middle of some sort of vast emotional relational and spiritual crisis.”

Also joining us is
Robert Hall, an expert on relationships. He is the author of This Land of Strangers: The Relationship Crisis That Imperils Home, Work, Politics and Faith. Hall “believes we face two relationship challenges, isolation and polarization. Isolation is withdrawing from others in a way that contributes to loneliness and even depression.” He advocates having a Relationship Bill of Responsibilities, not just a bill of rights.

Our guests believe that part of the issue is the breakdown of social skills and a lack of social connections and a sense of community. Are there solutions to this growing issue? Tune in to see what our guests have to say.

Originally published and aired on KERA January 7, 2004.

Updated when re-aired on KERA July 28, 2024.



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Ben & Me: Leadership Insights from Our Founding FathersBen & Me: Leadership Insights from Our Founding Fathers
Curiosity: Your SuperpowerCuriosity: Your Superpower