Cyberwarfare: The Fifth DomainRe-air: Cyberwarfare: The Fifth Domain (2701)
The Politics of EnvyThe Politics of Envy (2722)

Inflation is the elephant in the room today. Inflation is certainly higher than anyone wants it to be.

Grocery prices are up, as is real estate, used cars, and most everything else. Gasoline prices have skyrocketed.

The Federal Reserve says inflation is transitory, economist Brian Wesbury disagrees.

Joining hosts Dennis McCuistion and Jim Falk to talk about this issue are key experts, :

Jim Dolmas, PhD., Economic Policy Advisor & Senior Developer: Dallas Fed Trimmed Mean Personal Consumption Expenditures Inflation Rate, who shares his views (not necessarily the Federal Reserves’), and

Brian Wesbury, chief economist at First Trust Advisors, LP..

What’s caused inflation, how does it impact individuals and business and what can we do about it?.

Join us on McCuistion Perspectives to hear what our experts have to say.

P.S. A special thank you to the Hatton W. Sumners Foundation for their renewed support this year.

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Perspectives Matter is a McCuistion Program and as part of a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization does not receive any pledge dollars, PBS funds, or government grants. The funding that has kept us on the air for 33-plus years comes from our grantors and loyal viewers. Your donation allows us to continue to hold engaging programs that provide different perspectives. To be a catalyst for change, support our TV programs. Thank you for your support and for watching.

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Cyberwarfare: The Fifth DomainRe-air: Cyberwarfare: The Fifth Domain (2701)
The Politics of EnvyThe Politics of Envy (2722)