Slavery Reparations: Should They be Paid… and How Would It Work (2615)Slavery Reparations: Should They be Paid... and How Would It Work (2702)
How do we regain trust?How Do We Regain Trust? (2704)

Joining hosts Dennis McCuistion and Jim Falk are:

Matthew Wilson, PhD
Southern Methodist University, Associate Professor of Political Science and

Larry J. Sabato, PhD,
Founder/ Director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, political analyst.

This program was recorded shortly before the storming of the capitol.

In the last two weeks, the political crisis that has rocked America has brought the legitimacy of the 2020 elections to the forefront of everyone’s thinking.

Our two experts who study elections issues believe: that while the elections were contentious and fraught with conflict and misleading statements regarding the validity of the elections, more went well than wrong.

Care was taken to assure election officials carefully monitored ballots, and there were more early voters.

All in all they believe that in this challenging time the elections were a tribute to the democratic system and rule of law.

Fair elections are an integral part of a free democracy and need to be respected.

Join us to learn more about their views.

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And special thank you’s to the Hatton W. Sumners Foundation for their renewed support this year.

And please remember the McCuistion Program, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization does not receive any KERA pledge dollars, PBS funds or government grants. The funding which has kept us on the air for 30 years comes from grantors and viewers just like you. So thank you, most especially in this critical time,  for your continued support.

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Perspectives Matter is a McCuistion Program and as part of a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization does not receive any pledge dollars, PBS funds, or government grants. The funding that has kept us on the air for 33-plus years comes from our grantors and loyal viewers. Your donation allows us to continue to hold engaging programs that provide different perspectives. To be a catalyst for change, support our TV programs. Thank you for your support and for watching.

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Slavery Reparations: Should They be Paid… and How Would It Work (2615)Slavery Reparations: Should They be Paid... and How Would It Work (2702)
How do we regain trust?How Do We Regain Trust? (2704)