Hungry in America (2612)Hungry in America (2612)
Stay Well … Stay Resilient. (2616)Re-Air: Stay Well ... Stay Resilient. (2616)
Pew Research Center report noted that there is an increasing number of Americans who believe too much money is spent on campaigns, by too many special interest groups. There is extensive support for reining in campaign spending.

Seventy-seven percent of the public says “there should be limits on the amount of money individuals and organizations” can spend on political campaigns with just 20% saying they should be able to spend as much as they want.
Jim Rubens discusses campaign finance on the McCuistion Program
In the 2020 election, 14 billion dollars was spent on behalf of candidates, doubling the amount from 2016. Alone, in this year’s presidential contest $6.6 billion dollars was raised. 

Joining us to talk about a proposed and controversial amendment to curb campaign spending are:

Ann Drumm
the North Texas organizer of American Promise and

Jim Rubens
former State Senator, NH(R), Board Member American Promise. 

The argument for a 28th Amendment to reform and limit the enormous funds spent on elections is even more compelling today than it was when we recorded this program pre-Covid. And, while true that the number of small donors, those contributing less than $200, continues to grow, the money raised by super PACs that don’t have to disclose their donors is also reaching new heights. 

Special interests groups have their favorites. Example: Oil and Gas interests spent $16 million with 84% going to Republican candidates. Democratic candidates get their money from education interests being the beneficiary of $110 million, or 94% of the total. 

Join us to learn more about what we can and can’t do to curb the increasingly high and partisan campaign spending and what you can do about it.

We welcome your feedback.

Niki McCuistion,

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Hungry in America (2612)Hungry in America (2612)
Stay Well … Stay Resilient. (2616)Re-Air: Stay Well ... Stay Resilient. (2616)