JFK: The Events of November 22, 1963JFK: The Events of November 22, 1963
JFK: The Warren Commission ReportJFK: The Warren Commission Report

This episode is the third in a seven part series on JFK.

The tragedy of November 22, 1963 shocked the world. Within 48 hours of the assassination we witnessed the arrest of the assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, and later his shooting by Jack Ruby. The trauma of that time will be forever embedded in the memories of those who were present and those who watched and heard the news.

Joining us are several professionals who were involved during this time period.

Hugh Aynesworth
Former reporter at the Dallas Morning News, Author of November 22, 1963 Witness to History

Hugh, who did not have an assignment that day, wandered down to mix with the excited crowds. He heard the shots, and having neither paper nor pen,  paid a little boy 50 cents for a pencil and started interviewing bystanders; taking notes on the back of a utility bill envelope he had stuffed in his pocket. When he heard a police officer had been shot in Oak Cliff – he thought, this has to be related.

Bob Huffaker, PhD
Co-author When the News Went Live, Former reporter for CBS and KRLD

Bob, broadcasting the events that day, headed straight to Parkland Hospital in an unmarked press car, jumping medians to get as close as possible to the emergency door so he could broadcast from Parkland. The dignitaries who had been in the motorcade were in shock. He asked Congressman Jim Wright what had happened. “We have just heard the President has died.” Congressman Wright bowed his head and gave “the most prayerful, wise, calming remarks”.

Robert N. McClelland, MD
Professor Emeritus of Surgery, UT Southwestern Medical Center

Dr. McClelland was at Parkland teaching a class to senior surgery residents when he was called out and told President Kennedy had been shot and was in the emergency room. Concerned he was the only surgeon on duty, he raced to the emergency room. Fortunately he was  joined by Dr. Perry and Dr. Baxter. They performed a tracheotomy on President Kennedy.

Immediately after the operation, two Secret Service men wheeled the President, now in a coffin atop the gurney, out of the operating room. Another doctor asked them to stop – “this murder requires a pathology report”. Ignoring the remark, the Secret Servicemen, lifted the President up and took him away.

James, “Jim” Robert Leavelle
Former Dallas homicide detective

Leavelle talks about the next day’s events. He was chained to Oswald, the best way to protect his prisoner. Jack Ruby walked in with a handgun at his side and shot Oswald. Leavelle jerked back, but the bullet still caught Oswald.

Eugene L. Boone
Former Deputy Sherriff, Dallas County (1962-1972)
Boone had found the rifle at the sixth floor. He knew Ruby, “I think Ruby thought he could be the man who shot the man, the code of the West, not be convicted, and be a hero.”

Join us for a firsthand look at what happened during these sad and memorable few days.

Talking about things that matter… with people who care.

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JFK: The Events of November 22, 1963JFK: The Events of November 22, 1963
JFK: The Warren Commission ReportJFK: The Warren Commission Report