McCuistion TV Taping - JFK 50th Anniversary Series
Freedom Fest Interviews: Steve Moore

The history of Rome has served as a model for government as well as a warning for what a Nation could descend to. In many ways there are disturbing parallels between the United States and Rome: government corruption, curtailing democracy, and our growing arrogance and ignorance of our own country and the outside world. Experts fear the US is on its way to decline and economic collapse.

This year’s Freedom Fest had as its theme: Are We Rome? Featured speakers included: luminaries from John Stossel, Senator Rand Paul, Kennedy, Dinesh D’ Souza, John Allison, Steve Moore, Steve Forbes and dozens of thought leaders elaborating and debating on the theme that “the West is going the way of Rome”.

Our good friend, Terry Brock, CSP, CPAE, Past Chief Skype Blogger, Past Editor –in- Chief of the AT&T Tech Blog, and a renowned relationship marketing expert and co-author of a new book, Klout Matters; interviewed several of the speakers, including the Chair and Producer of Freedom Fest: Mark Skousen. Mark Skousen talks about the theme of the conference, “Are We Rome?” and the ways in which the United States is different. He says, “we know that history, so we are not condemned to repeat it”.

Join Terry Brock and Mark Skousen in Las Vegas for Freedom Fest 2013, “the world’s largest gathering of free minds”, for a provocative discussion on how “we stop the decline and reinvigorate America”.

Terry Brock can be reached at:

As always, thanks for joining us for conversations that matter…

Niki Nicastro McCuistion
Executive Producer/Producer
Business/ nonprofit consultant in strategy, leadership and organizational development from customer service to governance.
(214) 394-6794

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McCuistion TV Taping - JFK 50th Anniversary Series
Freedom Fest Interviews: Steve Moore