KERA Airing: The Sellout: The Fall of 2008 and the Global Financial System
News Update: China Tops Japan as World's #2 Economy and more...


Iran Nuclear Plant Plans a Start Date

Russia’s state atomic corporation, which is building the plant, said engineers will begin loading the Bushehr reactor with fuel.

However, it could be six months before the reactor is fully operational.

Russia has been helping build the plant since the mid-1990s, amid tensions over Iran’s nuclear programme.


Consumer Prices Rise in US, Easing Deflation Risk

The cost of living in the U.S. climbed in July for the first time in four months, pointing to a stabilization that may ease concern a slowdown in growth will spur deflation.

The consumer-price index increased 0.3 percent, the most in a year and exceeding the 0.2 percent gain projected by the median forecast of economists surveyed by Bloomberg News, figures from the Labor Department showed today in Washington. A gauge excluding volatile food and fuel costs, the so-called core rate, increased 0.1 percent, as projected.


Immigration Impasse: Frustration as Comprehensive Reform Legislation Stalled

The Senate passed a $600 million measure Thursday to beef up U.S. border security in a rare bipartisan effort on immigration reform. It came during an equally rare special August session, held after most lawmakers have left Washington for the summer recess.

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KERA Airing: The Sellout: The Fall of 2008 and the Global Financial System
News Update: China Tops Japan as World's #2 Economy and more...