Friday News Update: Health and the Economy
KERA Airing: TV and Its Impact on Society and Our Kids

Jack Canfield with Niki McCuistion, while in Dallas talking about his book: The Success Principles

Jack Canfield, the co-originator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, shares candidly about his road to success and how he’s managed to use his success keys to turn his dreams and goals into reality.

Success Keys According to Jack Canfield

Two of the foundational success keys include self-esteem and having a personal definition of success.  Self-esteem, as he defines it, is believing that you are lovable and capable. A healthy self-esteem will allow a person to be able to take appropriate risks, which is an important part of achieving success.  A second foundational success key is knowing one’s own definition of success. Success is a personal thing, so one must first decide what his or her view of a successful life is and move forward from that point.

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Success Key Steps

Some of the practical steps that Jack Canfield elaborates on are presented in his book, The Success Principles, and include:

(1) Interview successful people – Glean from those who have gone before and learn from them.  This includes reading books and listening to speakers.

(2) Take action – Many will stop after reading books and buying tapes, and don’t go through the awkward stage where you have to actually begin to do it.  He references that in the first speech he gave, he was shaking.  But taking action will get your started and you’ll continue to get stronger.

(3) Persevere – You have to press on and press through.

(4) Take responsibility for your life.

(5) Follow joy – Do what you love.

This video interview with Jack Canfield is sure to inspire you to discover your dreams, embrace them and pursue them.  Join us as we hear from Jack Canfield on the success keys he has discovered along his personal path of success.

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Friday News Update: Health and the Economy
KERA Airing: TV and Its Impact on Society and Our Kids