Friday News Update: Retail Sales Increase, Health and Afghanistan
Friday News Update: Climate Conference, US Stocks and Cancer Drug Succeeds in Trial

In today’s news update, we have links to updates on Citigroup repaying the government for the bailout, climate negotiations and an update on the healthcare debate.

Citigroup to Repay $20 Billion of Government Bailout

Dec. 14 (Bloomberg) — Citigroup Inc., recipient of the biggest U.S. bank bailout, struck a deal with regulators to repay $20 billion to taxpayers and escape government-imposed pay restrictions.

Citigroup, the only major U.S. lender still dependent on what the government calls “exceptional financial assistance,” will raise the funds with a sale of $20.5 billion of equity and debt. The New York-based company also plans to substitute “substantial common stock” for cash compensation, the bank said in a statement today.

Talks Stall as Poorer Nations Threaten to Walk Out

COPENHAGEN — Ongoing climate negotiations were temporarily upended on Monday when dozens of developing countries threatened to walk out in protest, saying that the world’s richer countries were not doing enough to cut their greenhouse gas emissions.

The move seemed to be tactical, as climate talks entered a second, more serious week, and by Monday afternoon, representatives from developing countries said they were ready to return to the table. Still, the threat of nonparticipation underscored the tenuous balance between richer and poorer nations.

Long-Term Care Stirs Health Care Debate

WASHINGTON — Embedded in sweeping health legislation passed by the House and being debated on the Senate floor is a major new federal insurance program for long-term care intended to help people like Anne M. Rader.

Ms. Rader, 45, works at Booz Allen Hamilton as a consultant to federal agencies on emergency preparedness. Even though she has cerebral palsyand multiple sclerosis, she leads a full, active life. But she worries that she will lose her independence if her conditions grow worse.

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Friday News Update: Retail Sales Increase, Health and Afghanistan
Friday News Update: Climate Conference, US Stocks and Cancer Drug Succeeds in Trial