TEDx SMU Backstage Interviews: Tanya Pinto
Monday News Round Up: Post Black Friday, Health Bill and Obama on Troops in Afghanistan

Dystonia, a muscular disorder related to Parkinson’s Disease is a disorder Rogers Hartmann lives with everyday. She calls it frenemies, stating: “I have a friendly relationship with it and, I definitely try to live with it so I can live as normal a life as possible.  At times I get frustrated.”

There are many Dystonia symptoms.  Primarily, it is a movement disorder that can literally cripple people.  It sends erroneous signals to one’s muscles. Many with Parkinson’s Disease have Dystonia as well.

I mention to Rogers Hartmann, “You strike me as a fighter and you are an activist. Sometimes what strikes us is what makes us.”

She shares her story – She, in her fight to overcome and conquer the disease, does not give up. She has gone from a wheelchair, to a walker to a cane and now actually runs 2 miles a day.  Her comment, “I try to push myself. I can’t do more to myself than what’s already been done… so why not!”  She states, “Dystonia has changed my life so deeply. It’s hard to express to people. I’ve always felt a sense of purpose, but this has left me totally ignited. It gave me such purpose.”

Rogers Hartmann has founded a Foundation that looks for causes and cures and is set up to help people with the disorder. Join us for an inside look at her sense of mission.

As always we’re talking about things that matter with people who care…


Niki Nicastro McCuistion

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TEDx SMU Backstage Interviews: Tanya Pinto
Monday News Round Up: Post Black Friday, Health Bill and Obama on Troops in Afghanistan