Monday News Round Up: Obama Health Care, Ft. Hood, Berlin Wall and Oil Futures
TEDx Conference Backstage Interviews: Jim and Carole Young

Along with Jim and Carole Young, the TEDx SMU conference was coordinated by Geoffrey Orsak.  Geoffrey Orsak, PhD “has been called one of this nation’s key leaders in engineering research and education and its impact on economic development and global competitiveness. The editors of EDN – a leading international publication for the fields of engineering design and innovation wrote that Dr. Orsak is ‘one of the brightest minds in the world in engineering education’. And in 2006, the editors of EE Times magazine called him a ‘true pioneer and visionary’ and named him their first ever Educator of the Year in engineering and science.”

In my interview with Geoffrey Orsak while backstage at Tedx SMU, I asked: What was your purpose in bringing TEDx to Dallas and SMU?

Geoffrey says, “I love these big, crazy ideas, and sharing ideas with people all over the community. Our theme is: What Will Change Everything?”

Geoffrey Orsak and his team will have follow up with attendees to keep each thinking and addressing that question. They’ll also be showing clips of the presenters on their TEDx site.

Join us to see and hear what he has to say. His excitement over these“big, crazy ideas” is catching.


Niki Nicastro McCuistion

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Monday News Round Up: Obama Health Care, Ft. Hood, Berlin Wall and Oil Futures
TEDx Conference Backstage Interviews: Jim and Carole Young