Is Capitalism the Cause or the Solution to the Financial Crisis?Is Capitalism the Cause or the Solution to the Financial Crisis?
Today's Economic News Round-Up


Iran Test Fires Most Advanced Missiles

Iran reported Monday that it successfully test-fired its most advanced and powerful medium-range missiles as part of war games it said were intended to deter the country’s enemies.

Toll Hits 100 in Philippine Flooding

MANILA — The death toll from a storm that ravaged the Philippines over the weekend reached at least 100 on Monday, with many more deaths expected and thousands of Filipinos still trapped in their homes by floodwaters.


New NATO Chief Says America’s Allies Stand Firm Against Taliban

In his first major speech in the United States, the new head of NATO is expected to respond Monday, to President Obama’s concerns that the United States is doing the lion’s share of the fighting in Afghanistan. In prepared remarks, Anders Fogh Rasmussen acknowledges more resources are needed to fight the battle against the Taliban. However, he is expected ask the United States to stop downplaying efforts by America’s allies.


STOCKS NEWS US-M&A activity lifts index futures

U.S. stock index futures rose on Monday, following three days of losses, as merger and acquisition activity and the last days of the third quarter encouraged investors.


Health ‘Reform’ Is Income Redistribution

While many Americans are upset by ObamaCare’s $1 trillion price tag, Congress is contemplating other changes with little analysis or debate. These changes would create a massively unfair form of income redistribution and create incentives for many not to buy health insurance at all.

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Is Capitalism the Cause or the Solution to the Financial Crisis?Is Capitalism the Cause or the Solution to the Financial Crisis?
Today's Economic News Round-Up