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Culture in America: Three Biggest Challenges Facing Western Civilization - Pt. 2Culture in America: Three Biggest Challenges Facing Western Civilization - Pt. 2

Herb Meyer, author of The War Against Progress and former Vice Chairman of the CIA’s National Intelligence Council during the Reagan Administration, joins Dennis McCuistion for this installment of FRTV. With the quickly changing world we find ourselves in today, Meyer addresses the biggest cultural challenges facing America and Western civilization during Part One of a two-part series.

According to Meyer, radical Islam, the demographic downturn worldwide, and the current cultural war are threatening the survival of Western Civilization and traditional culture in America.

Radical Islam – Radical Muslims do not accurately represent Islam as a whole. However, Meyer explains that most Germans were not Nazis, yet when the Nazis were in power, it led to World War II.  History is the story of competing operating systems.  The Middle East operates off of an old operating system and those that operate out of the Western system have drastically different world views.  He elaborates on the exact differences between the two world views and explains why this is a very serious challenge to western civilization.

Demographics – The birth rate is dropping at a greater rate than at any other time in history.  In order to keep the population at the same level, there must be 2.1 births per person in real numbers.  However, across the western world the birth rates are well below  2.1.  The economic implications are staggering.  However, in the non-Westernized Muslim world, there is a 2.1-6.8 replacement rate.  He spends time explaining the specific differences country to country and the various implications to Western civilization if something does not change.

Cultural War – Culture in America is also at risk. Some are calling the current cultural war in America the “second Civil War.”  The war is essentially summarized as Church vs. State or Religious Right vs. Secular Left. The crux of the fight centers around whether or not the family or the government will be the center of American life. Does the American culture desire a big government or a small government?

In part two of this series, Meyers talks about how we should face these challenges.


04.04.09 -1710

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Culture in America: Three Biggest Challenges Facing Western Civilization - Pt. 2Culture in America: Three Biggest Challenges Facing Western Civilization - Pt. 2